Practical information

Since 1 July 2022, psychotherapy by psychologists-psychotherapists can be reimbursed by basic health insurance (LAMal) on medical prescription, by a primary care doctor: internal medicine specialist, pediatrician, psychiatrist-psychotherapist, child psychiatrist-psychotherapist or psychosomatic medicine specialist.

We would be grateful if you could send us this prescription before your first consultation, otherwise you will be charged for the session.

Before July 1, 2022

Basic insurance

After you have reached your deductible, 90% of the cost of the sessions is reimbursed when the psychiatrist delegates the psychotherapy to a psychologist-psychotherapist working for him/her and practicing in the same setting.

40 sessions

Supplementary insurance

Depending on your policy, sessions with an independent psychologist-psychotherapist may be partially reimbursed.

Variable number of sessions or annual amount

From July 1, 2022

Basic insurance

Once you have reached your deductible, sessions with psychotherapists are reimbursed at 90% on medical prescription. The prescription must be justified by the presence of an illness listed in international systems.

There are 2 possible scenarios:

  1. A standard prescription from a doctor specializing in general medicine, pediatrics, psychiatry or psychosomatics entitles the patient to 15 sessions of psychotherapy, renewable once after consultation between the psychotherapist and the prescribing doctor. If the number of sessions exceeds 30, a report with a diagnosis must be sent to a psychiatrist, and the continuation of therapy must be validated by the insurance company's consulting physician.
  2. For crisis intervention or therapy related to a serious illness, a prescription from any specialist doctor allows a maximum of 10 sessions. If you need to continue beyond this number, please refer to the previous point.

Supplementary insurance

Reimbursement depends on the terms of your private contract. It is advisable to clarify this directly with your insurer.

It is important to note that the new law applies exclusively to basic insurance. Supplementary insurers are therefore free to define their own benefits, and since July 1, they have adopted a variety of approaches in this area.